Gratitude is the correct attitide to have in life. It means living with the awareness that life has not promised us anything, nor does it owe us anything. It can lead us in any direction. Gratitude is knowing that every moment in life is a gift, regardless of the direction it takes us in and what the final destination may be.
Every time things don’t go wrong, we should be grateful.
When life is difficult, gratitude means that we can accept any problems unconditionally and carry out our duties without worrying about the results. In this way we will be present rather than allowing our minds to wander to future worries.
Gratitude means living from the heart and accepting that we cannot control everything in life.
Gratitude means living without ego, free from the concepts of “I” and “Mine”.
To live with gratitude we must accept that we cannot demand anything from life, rather we must be conscious of everything we have. A child is dependant on his/her parents and receives everything necessary from them. In the same way, we receive everything necessary from life, but sometimes we need a little help to learn how to receive.
In this retreat Swamiji will teach the huge importance of gratitude and how to apply it in daily life.
Contact Kate
+34 627957833
+34 627957833